Friday, January 22, 2010

Insulin Lowering Diet What Should You Eat To Lower Your Blood Sugar?

What should you eat to lower your blood sugar? - insulin lowering diet

My father has type 2 diabetes and blood sugar. The doctors are in the process took insulin injections. There are foods that lowers blood sugar? Is there a special diet, what foods to eat, or if more than one hand?
thank you ...


ll m said...

Never a food that can read blood glucose levels, is one deleted. It is a healthy diet / eating habits to follow in order to help the sugar high is good. Fresh vegetables are best. Potatoes, bread and other starchy foods are terrible to control blood sugar levels. This is also the case of drinks, diet soft drinks in order, but may contain carcinogens. The teas are great. Are filled with soup, broth and no major increase in blood sugar too much. Candy, of course not a good idea. Not that a diabetic can not eat sweets, is that everything must be consumed in moderation and exercise should be an essential part of your daily routine. As an exercise to burn calories is to burn calories is to lower blood sugar, but the end result is. Swimming is a great way to burn calories, reduce blood sugar, restore health. One of carbohydrates and / or calories restricitve should be under medical supervision only. 15 carbs is 1 carb and 60 calories from carbohydrates. If possible, try to the amount of carbohydrates you take too limiting. I know it's confusing, but researchYour best choice for recording on a task of this amount. Counting carbohydrates allows a greater variety of foods, not counting the calories. One of the best resources I've found is to make an appointment with a diabetes nurse and dietitian at the hospital. Good luck.

reginach... said...

Not really. The food itself in the blood can not lose. When broken down food into glucose (sugar) for energy, blood sugar levels can be increased.

If your father has to follow a healthy diet and may be overweight try to refine your diet and portion sizes, but if the need for insulin may be too late to change this situation. You need to eat lean protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates / fiber. Oatmeal is ideal to stabilize the level of BG and the supply of fiber to. Cut all the empty calories, carbohydrates, and junk.

You see a nutritionist to help diabetes.

Finally, the insulin for many type-2 diabetes is necessary. If your blood sugar is dangerously high, do not wait. Thus, the increased risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney damage, blindness, nerve damage and amputations.

rokdude5 said...

No food is what you should eat even less. I would be most of what I say as the "rabbit food" and less meat, carbs and junk food.

AKMAL said...

Alan S said...

"Are there any foods that lowers blood sugar?

Quite the contrary. There are foods, carbohydrates (starch), the increase in blood sugar. The diet can reduce high blood sugar.

Read the page in the source address to find a good way to do this as effectively.

Gort said...

Dietary Guidelines ...

Managing blood sugar ...

Wal-Mart Testing Power Supplies ...

aceproce... said...

Complex carbohydrates

aceproce... said...

Complex carbohydrates

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