Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dog Bowl Placemats Why Does Dog Carry Food Bowl Around All The Time?

Why does dog carry food bowl around all the time? - dog bowl placemats

Stupid question, and can not be a reason, but I thought to ask. I used to take, but only now is my two dogs when they are empty, take around shells. He sits on the hour with the cup into the mouth of His grace. They eat twice a day along with the question, so I know it is not very hungry. Ideas?


chriswil... said...

HES can be jealous of other dogs for any reason, then he takes the dishes?

chriswil... said...

HES can be jealous of other dogs for any reason, then he takes the dishes?

<3 iPod Touch User <3 said...

He shes hungry and wants you to feed him / her

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