Saturday, November 7, 2009

After Surgury Get Well Stuff Anyone Have Any Tips On Easing Pain After Having Surgury On Your Teeth?

Anyone have any tips on easing pain after having surgury on your teeth? - after surgury get well stuff

Sorry, I write bad surgury.

my friend just Wonk how, exercises and equipment to the mouth after they defeated yesterday in the face and HES is me a lot of pain.

If you have an idea if you have the mind of the pain?



pandy lynn said...

I could not do it after work in the teeth and do not give me the pain that my back was in the emergency room and gave me some good old mix Vicodin with ibuprofen, worked as a charm --

on the counter, he can try to paralyze the face with an ice pack in the freezer or freeze all the work --- You can also try sucking on ice cubes for numbness - even if you would take some ibuprofen, I like to at least 400 mg (Advil liquid works faster, at least for me) - time, she knows, is not allergic to ibuprofen or so, should contribute to nerve irritation and pain (200-mg dose is the box, but I have 400, 600 and 800 to 800 and 600 were the strength of the prescribing doc-taken with food, so that better absorbed and not the stomach, teeth hurt, maybe a soup or ice cream or yogurt)

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